Switching Gears with Nataliya and Kamila
This week we catch up with Nataliya and Kamila, our Head Chefs. Over a cup of coffee, they tell us why time management is crucial to their work, and how to cook for 50+ people at the company.
Describe your day as Head Chefs at Charge Cars.
N: Our days are usually quite similar. The biggest hurdle is diversifying the dishes we cook; we aim to provide enough variety so people don’t get bored with eating the same food. Lunch prep begins at around 9 AM to make sure everything is ready for first service at 12:30 PM. Typically, the salads and side dishes are prepared before the main courses to keep the food hot for our colleagues.
K: Mondays are usually the busier days; we get a massive food delivery for the whole week, ranging from berries and snacks to salmon fillets and pasta. We also work on the menu for the forthcoming week, keeping it interesting for everyone. We try to cook comfort food as much as we can, we want people to feel at home with our recipes and enjoy a full and nutritious lunch.
Top tip for someone entering your field of work.
K: You cannot be late! If you’re late, the chances of serving food on time decreases, and you don’t want to keep over 60 people hungry. Furthermore, if everything is delayed, the work processes might get delayed as well, and we do not want that. Also keep in mind where your colleagues come from, we try and cook food that everyone will enjoy.
N: Have good time management and organisation skills. You have to know how long certain foods take to cook, in order for it to be ready by 12:30 PM without it going cold or losing its texture. Organisation wise, you have to plan what to cook in what specific order and to know where everything is kept, so no time gets wasted.
What trend, if any, is shaping your area of work right now?
N: Healthier options are becoming very popular amongst our colleagues. People tend to ask for more salads, leafy greens and other vegetables. We are also a very international company, so cooking comfort food creates a feeling of home for many of us.
K: We started providing a wider range of vegetarian and vegan options as well. We are also now cooking most main dishes in the oven, rather than frying to avoid an increase in calories.
Working here, what are you most looking forward to?
K: The break we get after cooking and serving lunch to over 60 people!
N: That and also fuelling ( charging ) the team that is building the car! You can’t build the car if you’re hungry!
What book would you recommend?
N: My recommendation is Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships by Eric Berne. It’s a psychology book about the dynamics of both functional and dysfunctional human interactions.
K: Mind Power by John Kehoe. A wonderful book that provides you with a practical guide on how to harness your subconsciousness, tap into your creativity, build & sustain meaningful relationships. It’s a great read, both informative and entertaining.